
Monday, 11 August 2014

What's in the Headlines?


Obama has announced that the US is committed to intervention efforts in Iraq, favouring tactical air strikes over troop deployment. The US have felt it necessary to halt the activities of Islamic State fighters who have gained a reputation for killing civilians. Reports on Saturday suggested that forces from the Islamic State crossed into Lebanon from Syria.

The US have also taken a leadership role in delivering relief to civilians fleeing Islamic State fighters. 72 bundles of supplies, including more than 3,800 gallons of water and more than 16,000 packaged meals have been supplied so far. British military have so far stuck to a humanitarian role by providing airships to deliver relief to civilians. 

The Kurds of northern Iraq have taken in up to 1.2 million refugees since June. They have shown their support of the US intervention and have urged Obama not to let up in air strikes. The Guardian is following the story as there have been reports the US is planning to arm the Kurdish fighters. 

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